What do you think of these unique artifacts, especially the one on the below? Some people say they look like non-earthly human..
All there uniquely creative artifacts are from JOMON period, between 14,000 BC to 400 AD in Japan. It is such a long period of time, lasted more than 10,000 years. This timing is proven that there were no wars among the people to conquer each other. (archeologist never found artificial weapons. Please note that Japan is worldly famous for the state of the art technology when it comes to the archeological researches.)
Jomon period is know for very creative designed pottery, unique clay figures, and sustainable lifestyle with harmony with nature in various environment.
This summer, there was a huge JOMON exhibition in TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM and ended with great success.
One of the feature was, all 6 clay figures designated as national treasures got together to be exhibit in a museum for the first time. All were found in different parts of Japan.
The largest Jomon remain is Sannai-Maruyama in Aomori prefecture near Hokkaido.
The Sannai-Maruyama special historical site features the remains of a large, long-term settlement that from the Early to the Middle Jomon period (from approximately 5,500 to 4,000 years ago). Based on the archeological discoveries, the researchers built an actual seize large pit-dwellings, etc. See how big the size of a possible gathering hall? It is 32 meters long, and width over 10 miters. Many people were living together in a community and have respect for lives.

Interesting fact is, quite many Japanese are starting to praise, re-evaluate the Jomon cultures and Jomon spirits.
When I was young, Jomon culture had been generally treated as primitive, and regarded that they have nothing to teach us in modern days.
But is it so?
I see a shift in many peoples' mind to see that JOMON way of living has non-written wisdom, key to re-connect us with precious nature and spiritual world.
The Jomon exhibition in the middle of Tokyo at the biggest national museum was a clear reflection of this new trend.
Along with the Western industrialization and colonization, many precious native cultures and traditions in the world has been lost from mother earth. The western people treated that native people and their way of livings were "primitive ", so for them, it was a right thing to force the native ways to change and modernize.
However, that caused the native people in many parts of the world to lose their traditional spiritual connection with mother land, mother nature, mother earth.....what more, with the "Great spirit ".
All these are something invisible.
But for the native people, all these invisible interconnections were the source of inspiration, wisdom, and inner peace, not just the source of food and security.
As the modern technology has developed, more and more it is proven how precious such "un-seen" interconnections matter for the human well-beings and health, as well.
The end of Japan's Jomon era came around 400 AD. A new era of Yayoi started when a large population moved into Japanese from Korean peninshula and Eurasia continent. It is scientifically proven that today's Japanese have the DNA from the both Jomon and Yayoi people.
Japanese people's ”native mind” stayed strong within us until the end of the World War II.
After the war, so many people moved into Tokyo area, and many people lost their sense of belongings to home towns that had been preserved by their ancestors through generations. It is a common goal that we share in the advanced nations how to make good harmony with nature and mother earth.. , I think.